Scripture Reading - John 14:5-6

5 Thomas saith unto him, Lord, we know not whither thou goest; and how can we know the way?
6 Jesus saith unto him, I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by me. KJV

In verse 5 a disciple of the Lord Jesus named Thomas makes a statement of fact and then follows that statement with a question. Thomas’s statement of fact was a reflection of human reasoning that tries to limit God to our knowledge. All people would agree that if you don’t know where something is, it is impossible to tell someone else how to find it. Thomas, like many Christians, did not have the revelation of Jesus Christ. Thomas was looking for the Lord’s location rather than the nature of God in the person of Jesus Christ. Thomas was looking for a level or height to attain while Jesus was inviting Thomas to simply come into Him to be elevated in Christ. When Jesus makes the statement “I AM” it is equivalent to saying “Ever-present One” or “the Eternal” refer to Exodus 3:14. This means don’t look for Jesus in a certain location because Jesus as God is the fullness of all living. What that means to us today is living inside of Christ is the only Way to go, based on the Truth of God’s Word placing the Life of God inside every believer. We must be bold enough to forcefully speak “I am” to enter into the essence of God. Specifically, what we are talking about is your confession of faith. It is not enough to look at Jesus for your healing. Yes, even calling upon God to heal you (future tense) sounds noble but it is not tapping the power of God. The statement “I am healed” is the way to receive God’s almighty power and it is the precise truth of God’s Word according to Isaiah 53:5 and it activates the life of God through God’s Holy Spirit. As children of God we must act just like our Heavenly Father God to fully receive all the wonderful benefits He has given us. Jesus was very bold to proclaim who He was, who He is and who He shall always be. We too must boldly proclaim who we are in Christ Jesus. “I am” is the only way to bring the faith of God into perfect harmony with the will of our Father God to manifest God’s glory in this earth. Therefore, remember who you are in Christ, not who you were in man. “I am saved!” so you believe, so speak it forth. “I am healed!” so you believe, so speak it forth. “I am joyful!” so you believe, so speak it forth. “I am prosperous!” believe it and speak it forth. This is not about perfect theology but rather the simple child like faith that boldly proclaims: “I am . . . .” We can make all types of wonderful confessions of faith after the words “I am” because “Jesus is” our Lord and Savoir. We must enter into His Divine Life by speaking His Truth alone when following the straight Way of Jesus because as He is, so are we in this world. Remember “HE IS” therefore as a child of God “I am ...”. Amen!